An Easy Way to Put Some New Life into Your Old Clothes.
Have you ever bought something that you absolutely love at the time, in the 'It' colour of the season, only for it to sit in your wardrobe for months and months after because you realised it only goes with that one outfit you wore that one time? Well this happens to me a lot (mainly cause I've no will power when it comes to shopping!) And I always feel so guilty that I've bought this really nice piece, never to wear it again.
Exhibit A, I bought this bright green jacket in New Look last summer, and wore it a total of one time cause it just doesn't go with the majority of my clothes, and quite frankly its too bright to be part of my everyday wear. I love the style of the jacket and it fits really well so I decided, instead of giving it away or throwing it out, I'd try a little experiment and dye it a new colour!